Wednesday, 24 November 2010

WIP Update

This week I have been churning out my Graduated Stripes Shawl.  I love the mindless quality of this shawl, with the added bonus of the colours changing.  It is perfect for in car knitting and also social knitting, ie Knit Club.  The shawl seems to have grown quite a lot over the last week, but I only really did one evening at Knit Club and a few rows here and there while waiting for dinner.  Basically what I have so far is this:

I'm not quite sure how it got so big, but I'm not knocking it!  Now the weather is getting even colder, I think this will be a very handy garment to have around the house.
I do love the colours in this shawl.  They are quite hard to see because the light is so poor at the moment, so here's a little close up.

Aren't the colours pretty??

Speaking of pretty colours, I might have been just a little distracted this week, from my ongoing Christmas knitting mission.  It is all the fault of Litlemouse.  Basically this woman is a knitting temptress.  She has inspired me a lot with knitting since I've known her and I think her yarn loves and aptitude for lace have helped shape my growing love of the shawl. 

Litlemouse has been working on designing a new shawl.  The first one was lovely, but she has now started a new version, using Debbie Bliss Silk and Colinette Parisienne.  Oooo it was gorgeous.  It was so yummy, I pretty much decided that I had to do something similiar.  So when I went to Mary Clare's yesterday, I splurged on a skein of Rowan Kidsilk Haze in a gorgeous vibrant orange colour, and a skein of Debbie Bliss Silk DK in cream.  They are fabulous yarns separately, but together, they are sumptuous beyond words.  I am now knitting a scarf - for me.

My logic is that I need new scarves because it is cold, and I have a new hair colour now, so I need things that match better.  I had a cardigan in this shade of orange when I was at school and I practically lived in it.  I don't think I've worn this colour since, but the skein in the basket reminded me so much of this beloved cardigan, I had to buy it, plus it went beautifully with the cream silk.

I love how soft and light this scarf is becoming.  I have spaced out the rows of silk because I want to stretch it out a bit more, but I still think I will end up getting another skein.  This scarf will be perfect to wrap around my neck and tuck inside my coat, to keep me extra snuggly and warm.   I also think that my adult sized version of the twisted rib beanie, I created last week, will go brilliantly with this lovely light scarf.  Zingy colours complementing each other while keeping me warm!

So that is my progress this week.  I've linked up, as usual to Tami's Ami's WIP Wednesday.  Click on the button to take a look at what other lovely people have been up to.


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